Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Who hires PIs? It turns out that lots of people hire PIs to investigate a wide range of issues and situations. Let’s take a look at the 8 people most likely to need a PI in Myrtle Beach.

1. Insurance company/ claims adjustor – Insurance fraud is big business these days. In fact, insurance fraud amounts to $40-$80 billion annually. Insurance companies hire PIs to investigate claims, take statements, review evidence and help determine who is being honest and who might be trying to scam the system.

2. Parent/ caregiver – When you hire someone to take care of your children or your home-bound loved one, you want to make sure you hire someone with a clean record who is responsible. This includes nannies, babysitters, respite caregivers and other types of caregivers who would come into your home and take care of your family while you are out.

3. Business owner – Business owners use PIs all the time to do background checks on companies and individuals they are considering partnering with or taking on as potential clients.

4. Lawyer – Lawyers hire PIs to help investigate cases, gather evidence, interview witnesses and more.

5. HR professionals – HR professionals hire PIs to conduct background checks to determine whether potential hires are a good fit for the company. They look at criminal activity, credit, social media presence and other factors to help the HR department vet their potential new hires.

6. Restaurant or retail owner – Did you know that PIs can also do mystery shops for restaurants and retail establishments? They do these frequently so the business owner can get a clear, third-party assessment of how their business is serving customers and the quality of the product being provided.

7. Workman’s comp assessor – Just like insurance fraud, workman’s comp has its share of fraudsters as well. A workman’s comp assessor or safety department could hire a PI to review the incident that resulted in the injury and gather details about the incident and injury to ensure the workman’s comp claim is legitimate.

8. Landlord – Myrtle Beach is a town with a lot of rental properties owned by private landlords. A landlord could hire a PI to investigate a potential renter for any criminal history, prior evictions, damages suits, other types of civil suits and bad credit.

The 8 people most likely to need a PI in Myrtle Beach range from insurance adjustors to lawyers to landlords. Each type of person has a slightly different need but all rely on PIs to help them gather the information they need to find and document the truth. If you are one of these people and need a PI’s services, call Bulldog PI and we’ll get you the information you need!