Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Being stalked isn’t as rare of an occurrence as you might think. The National Center for Victims of Crime statistics show that over 8 million women and 2 million men will be stalked at some point in their lifetime. In a given year, an average of 1 million women and 400,000 men are victims of stalking.

What is Stalking?

Before digging in too deep, it’s helpful to have a context for what stalking is. Stalking is giving another person unwanted attention, either by following them or monitoring them electronically, in a way that makes them feel threatened or afraid. Stalking often starts with or coincides with harassment of the victim. And stalking isn’t just following someone in person, virtual stalking is the most popular form of stalking. Stalkers follow their victim’s whereabouts through check-ins on social media, follow their online activities and can even show up in places where the victim has been tagged in a social media post.

How a PI Can Help

Unfortunately, many police departments are overwhelmed dealing with other types of crime and the opioid epidemic and aren’t able to thoroughly investigate or provide necessary assistance to stalking victims. If the police don’t take the stalking complaint seriously or don’t have the resources to devote to the case, a PI can help. A PI can help a stalking victim in a number of ways, including:

Protecting Yourself From Stalkers

Being stalked can leave a victim feeling helpless and alone, however, there are ways you can help protect yourself. Follow these tips to increase your safety:

If you believe you are being stalked and need help, call Bulldog PI. We have the resources to verify if you are being stalked and by whom. We can gather the evidence you need to be taken seriously by law enforcement and help you protect yourself.