Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

When everyone went into lockdown and daily life switched to an online experience, namely school and work, so too did adultery. Relationships are challenging during normal times but especially so during our current life in pandemic times. This doesn’t give the cheater an excuse for their behavior but it does help to see how cheating has shifted even further into an online activity. In fact, Gleeden, one of several apps focused on extramarital dating has reported a 70% increase in subscription sign-ups since the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown.


Online Cheating Behavior

Many cheaters avoid accounting for their behavior by refusing to term it as cheating at all. Many try to frame this type of cheating as simply talking to people and having a social outlet. It leads to the question – is this form of cheating still cheating if they cannot meet another in person? In the case of extramarital dating apps, one might find the answer to be yes. Apps like Gleeden exist simply for the purpose of helping married people meet other married people for dating opportunities. This would suggest that without the lockdown or when the lockdown is over, these online relationships are at high risk of being moved from online to in-person.


Just Harmless Flirting?

It would be unfair to categorize this behavior and participating on these sites as an activity borne out of boredom. Others might cast it as just harmless flirting. In reality, it simply shows that adultery waits for nothing, not even during a deadly pandemic. Whether it’s harmless or not depends on how it impacts the other partner and of course, what is said during the communications with the potential fling. If the partner would be hurt by it, it’s certainly not harmless.

Online cheating isn’t a new thing. What’s new is the volume of online cheating through extramarital dating apps and websites geared toward helping married people find romantic partners outside of their relationship. This has been especially true during pandemic times. While we all get frustrated or hit rough patches with our partners, cheating is never the answer whether virtual or in person. If you believe your partner is cheating, you deserve to know the truth and Bulldog PI can help. We’ll dig deep to get the answers you need and uncover the truth you deserve.