Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

As a parent who is going through a custody battle, it’s important to assess the mental health of your child, especially if you suspect that they might be experiencing trauma in the hands of the other parent or in their presence. Recognizing the signs of trauma in your child is crucial to getting them the help they need. Let’s discuss how to recognize the signs of childhood trauma in your children and what you can do to help them get the help they need.

Common Causes of Childhood Trauma

Here are some of the top causes of childhood trauma:

1. Neglect: Neglect occurs when a parent or caregiver fails to provide a child with the basic needs, such as food, shelter, clothes and medical care.

2. Physical abuse: Any form of physical violence against a child, such as hitting, kicking or slapping.

3. Sexual abuse: When an adult or older youth engages a child in sexual activity, touch or similar sexual behavior.

4. Serious accidents: Children involved in car accidents, natural disasters or other life-endangering situations may experience significant amounts of trauma.

5. Life-threatening illness: A child who has a life-threatening illness may experience trauma from the illness itself, medical treatments and hospitalization.

6. Witnessing partner violence: Children who witness violence between their parents or caregivers can experience trauma from the exposure.

7. Sudden loss of a loved one: The sudden death of a family member or a close friend can have a significant impact on a child.

8. School violence: Children who experience violence at school or who witness violence at school can experience trauma.

9. Community violence or terrorism: Children who live in communities where violence or terrorist attacks occur may experience trauma.

10. Natural disasters: Children who experience natural disasters, such as hurricanes, floods or earthquakes can experience significant amounts of trauma.

Signs that Your Child has Experienced Trauma

Here are some of the signs to watch for that indicate your child has experienced trauma and might need help or therapy.

1. Learning problems: Children might experience difficulty with motivation, concentration and memory.

2. Difficulty concentrating: Children who are experiencing trauma may find it challenging to focus, pay attention and complete tasks.

3. Lower grades: Children who are experiencing trauma may struggle academically, leading to lower grades.

4. Acting out at school: Children who are experiencing trauma may exhibit disruptive behavior, including aggression, defiance and disobedience.

5. Unexplained weight loss: Children who are experiencing trauma may experience a loss of appetite or changes in eating patterns.

6. Eating disorders: Children could develop an eating disorder as a way of coping with the trauma.

7. Nightmares: Children who are experiencing trauma may have frequent nightmares or difficulty sleeping.

8. Difficulty sleeping: Children might have trouble falling asleep, staying asleep or waking up early in the morning due to trauma.

9. Self-harm behaviors: Children might engage in self-harm as a way of coping with the trauma.

10. Becoming sexually active: Children who are experiencing trauma might become sexually active early as a way of seeking comfort.

11. Depression: Children can feel sad, hopeless and helpless.

12. Separation anxiety: Children who have experienced trauma might have difficulty separating from a caregiver or loved one.

If you suspect your child has experienced trauma, it is crucial to take action. Your child may benefit from therapy to help them cope with their experiences and the impact on their mental health. At Bulldog PI, we can help you gather evidence to demonstrate the trauma your child is experiencing at the hands of the other parent or in their presence. We understand how delicate child custody cases can be, and we work with you to get the truth you need to protect your child. Call Bulldog PI for the understanding and compassion you need to get the help your child needs.