Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Everyone knows the stereotype of the thrill-seeking cheater who enjoys the adrenaline rush of the lying and secrecy of infidelity. It’s a popular stereotype because it is a common and obvious type of cheater to spot. However, are there less obvious characteristics that show a person is more prone to cheat? Relationship experts and researchers say “yes”. Did you marry a person who is prone to cheat?

Power Differences

While men in powerful careers are more likely to cheat simply because they feel entitled and like they won’t get caught, there is another type of power difference that can influence cheating behavior. According to researchers, men are more likely to cheat when they feel as if the woman has more power in the relationship. For example, when the woman is the primary breadwinner of the household, some men can feel insecure over time and compensate for that insecurity by cheating. Before getting suspicious though, look for signs that your husband has resentment or negative feelings about the power balance in the relationship.

Personality Disorders

One thing that many people don’t find out about their spouse until well after the wedding day are personality disorders or traits of personality disorders. For our discussion, personality disorders or traits that feed into the more insecure attachment styles, such as anxious attachment style and avoidant attachment style, are the key. People with an anxious attachment style have difficulty trusting in their partner’s love and display a nearly constant need for reassurance. They are more prone to cheat as a way of gaining reassurance from as many sources as they need to in order to feel secure. People with an avoidant attachment style have difficulty with closeness and emotional intimacy. They are more prone to cheat as a way of creating distance and space in their primary relationship or create a sense of freedom from their spouse.


One of the more controversial findings of recent research involves a variant of a specific gene (DRD4) that has been found to also be related to addictive behaviors. People with this variant of the DRD4 gene are more likely to need greater and greater stimulation or excitement to get the same satisfaction from experiences as other people. The gene impacts the person’s dopamine, a chemical in the brain that influences pleasure-seeking behaviors. However, no matter what is in our genes (or not) we still have the ability to make decisions about our behaviors.

The best way to avoid cheating issues in any relationship is to have open and honest communication. If you suspect your spouse is cheating, Bulldog PI can help. You deserve the truth.