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“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

One of the most popular personality type tests is the Myers-Briggs Personality Type Indicator (MBTI). The MBTI was first introduced by the mother-daughter team of Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers in the mid-1940s. Based on earlier study and theory on personality by Carl Jung, the MBTI looks at four different elements of personality to arrive at 16 distinct personality types. Each of the 16 personality types is identified by a four letter label. Myers-Briggs is one of the most popular and well-known personality identification systems.

Quick Guide to Myers-Briggs Personality Types

Entire books have been published on the nuances of the various personality types – far too complex for our needs here. The personality types are based on the combination of four letters that represent a person’s dominant personality characteristics in certain aspects of how they interact with and view the world. Each type gets one of two letters in each of four major areas:

E/IExtravert/Introvert – This area refers to a person’s needs or comfort levels interacting with the outside world. Extraverts prefer company over solitude and use interactions with others to process information. Introverts require solitude to process information and can find other people draining.

S/N – Sensing/Intuition – This area refers to how a person focuses their attention and receives incoming information. Sensing people prioritize information received through their five main senses. Intuition-focused (N) people prioritize more abstract ways of receiving information such as impressions, patterns and symbolism.

T/F – Thinking/Feeling – This area refers to the way a person makes decisions. Thinkers use logic, rationalization and thought for decision-making. Feelers use how they feel as the basis for decision-making.

J/P – Judging/Perceiving – This area refers to how a person processes complexities and outcomes. People on the Judging side of the spectrum are planners look at long-term possibilities and consequences. People who are on the Perceiving side of the spectrum tend to process things in the moment and in a more spontaneous way, with little consideration of the long-term consequences.

Myers-Briggs Personality Types Most Likely to Cheat

Let’s take a look at how the different elements of someone’s personality could influence their cheating behavior by looking at the four types most likely to be unfaithful.

ESFP – Approximately 4-9% of the population are ESFP personalities. This personality type is very social, friendly, spontaneous and tend to be pleasure-seekers. They are often referred to as the life of the party. They tend to live in the moment and are easily distracted, making them more susceptible to having a wandering eye and more likely to cheat.

ENTP – An estimated 2-5% of the population are ENTP personalities. This personality type is non-conformist by nature. They are curious and become bored with routine easily. A very resourceful personality, ENTP people are good at finding creative ways to break the rules or uncovering loopholes. Their general dislike of rules makes them more likely to pay little heed to societal or moral structures – and more likely to cheat.

ESTP – ESTP personalities make up between 4-5% of the population. People with this personality type are risk-takers and thrill-seekers. They are energized by social interaction and crave adventure and novelty. They tend to be good storytellers and convincing liars. They often don’t notice or consider other people’s feelings. They can be fun and exciting partners but their need for novelty makes them more easily tempted to cheat.

ISFP – The ISFP personality type is the only introverted type in our list and comprises 5-9% of the population. This personality type is strongly focused on their independence and freedom. They are impulsive and tend to choose immediate gratification without giving thought to future consequences. This impulsive nature makes them more likely to cheat when faced with temptation.

While personality tests and types are entertaining, they aren’t an absolute. No matter what kind a personality type a person has, they are still in control of their choices and the consequence of those choices. If you suspect your partner has chosen to be unfaithful, Bulldog PI can help you get the truth and find the answers you need.