Bulldog PI - private investigation services

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche

Hiring a PI is not a decision most people make without careful consideration. You may even wonder what types of issues a private investigator can truly help with. Here are the top 5 reasons to hire a private investigator:

1. Employee Background Checks – As a business owner, it can sound excessive to hire a private investigator to perform employee background checks. The truth is that no business is immune from employee fraud or theft. Protect your business, yourself and your other employees by using a private investigator to handle your employee background checks.

2. Infidelity Investigations – Suspecting your spouse of infidelity is heartbreaking, but the pain of not knowing can be even worse. By hiring a private investigator to get to the truth using video surveillance, audio surveillance and photographs, you can get the answers you deserve.

3. Fraud/Embezzlement Investigation – Whether the suspected perpetrator is a business partner, a service provider like an accountant or even a family member, hiring a private investigator enlists an objective third party who can follow the money trail, determine validity of assets and properly collect evidence of the crime. Quite often, a PI can also locate the perpetrators through background checks and other tracking methods.

4. Child Custody Case – Custody battles are often fraught with unprovable allegations. Unless you hire a private investigator. A PI can perform surveillance, gather evidence and uncover facts to support your case in court. And as an objective third party, a PI can often testify in court as a witness for your case.

5. Personal Injury Investigation – Personal injury lawsuits can be difficult to win. If you have been injured, a private investigator can help compile evidence such as transcripts of 911 calls, accident reports, find potential witnesses and in some cases, request video footage from nearby ATMs and traffic-cams. A PI can help you gather the evidence you need to prevail in court.

Making the decision to hire a PI can be difficult, but if any of these five common issues apply to you, it’s worth considering whether a PI can help. In many cases, hiring a private investigator can protect you from fraud, theft or even false accusations.  If you need a private investigator, call the experienced PI’s at BullDog.